Saturday, November 18, 2017


Hello all.

For those of you who have followed The Scrapes deeply you would be aware that our album covers are painted by one Kim B. Cadell, he being the Dad of me, Adam Cadell.

He has his first solo exhibition in many many years opening today 18 November at Victor Mace Fine Art Gallery in Milton, Brisbane. Details in below invite. We Scrapes encourage you to attend and purchase artworks if you're in that sort of financial situation.

Be there. And in further news you may be aware that I am involved in putting on a series of underground creative music at The Junk Bar, Ashgrove. Our final event for 2017 is happening 29/11. 

Other things happening and you can find all details about that at and associated thinks. 
Bye for now............................

Monday, August 14, 2017

Restrung 2017


17 AUG @ The Brisbane Powerhouse

The Scrapes emerge from their cave to drive forth the endless boogie, across the infinite plains, in the service of the underground spiritual game.

You fucking know what we mean...



That's right


If you're in know where to be on Thurs night...who knows when we might play again???

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Photo Excavation

Some photos archeologically recovered from the photo archives of one SM.

All from The Scrapes Dark MOFO WinterFeast performance rituals in 2016.

If our droning racket seems like it would fit into your festival, get in touch at

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Scrapes Melbourne Launch Gig 15 Jan

Upcoming Gig -

15 JAN

Presented by NeuMusak...

The Last Chance Rock n' Roll Bar
North Melbourne,
The Scrapes/Andrew McCubbin & Mel Pritchard/Justin Cusack

The Songs of Baron Samedi Melbourne Album Launch Ritual is finally upon us.