Sunday, November 3, 2013

A New Transmission....Barzakh....

Hello Scrapes fiends,
So after vast travels through the heartland of voduns we managed to summon the Saturday Baron...he gave us this new non-song from the world between life and death...Barzakh...available here:

This, and the 3 previous pieces, will be available online for another 30 days...after that it will disappear indefinitely as we summon new pieces to complete the tome. It will reemerge in the diabolic form of a physical release sometime in 2014...further transmissions will enlighten all...

As always we must strongly iterate that all online purchases aid us in producing more scraping sounds....


23 Nov. - Adam Cadell solo Radical Violin- QLD Conservatorium Basel Jones Orchestral Hall, South Bank, Brisbane, Australia - 6pm, $10

29 Nov - Adam Cadell + Tony Irving duo - Sonic Masala, Brisbane - details TBC

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Dodging Bullets....

Fuck Omar Souleyman. Also go here and read this incredible story about a trip to get a Visa sorted out...Souleyman is an absolute legend and sorry to hear he has had to flee his homeland.

Dabke motherfuckers.

Doc Adam

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Ethiopian scraping and jumping...

Helloooo all. Been a long time between posts sorry. Been travelling around Ghana and neighbouring countries seeing vodouns priests, sampling the moonshine, scrambling through jungle and tearing around sprawling urban wasteland on the backs of motorbikes...soon I will make my way to Senegal but I won't be making it to Ethiopia anytime soon to the best of my knowledge. Regardless I just discovered this video and felt compelled to share it. Seeeeriooous. Very similar in some ways to the Gonje of West Africa of which I am a student but bigger and doomier...the beats and so on are very different and seriously interesting...and I think we need dancers like that for all future Scrapes performances...on that front some performances in Aus are to be announced soon!

El Doctorrrr

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Adam Cadell - 'Til It All Melts Away out now via Wood & Wire

Good morning allllll,

So it is with great pleasure that I announce the release of my new solo album 'Til It All Melts Away out NOW on Sydney-based net-label Wood & Wire

You can see what it's all about HERE

Radical Violin for red-earth-dirt-road travelling. I would say my finest compositions to date on the solo front and my difficult 5th or 6th solo album....can't remember...lost count. You can find MORE OF THEM HERE

Here I'll embed the player to make it easy for you...

Get into it. If you want to bring it out on some sort of platform on your label then get in touch via whatever means possible.
The Doctor
Accra, Ghana

Thursday, June 27, 2013

More Songs from Baron Samedi....

Two new vessels from the in-between world have washed up on your shores...listen hard..."A Haunting" and "Militant Signals" if you want to support new music and a future physical release (probably on vinyl) or just stream it on your fancy bourgeois broadband if you're a cheapskate. Dig it like a shallow grave.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Ethiopian Dooom...

Found this trip while trawling through the excellent Awesome Tapes From Africa facebook page. Mr. Shimkovitz drops some incredible videos on there...check it out...the trve Orthodox:

Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Fresh Transmission From the Scrapes' Planet...

Dear Travellers, 

Here we are once more with a Fresh Transmission from the Scrapes' Planet and what an important one it is!

We Scrapes have been keeping busy despite our geographic differences (I, Adam living in West Africa, Ryan in Brisbane) and we are very proud to announce the digital launch of our new eventual full-length album

HERE'S the exclusive art courtesy of one Neil Shrubb 
Inline image 2

We are unveiling this new monument piece by piece, track by track, perhaps on a fortnightly basis if we can until it is a complete collection to be downloaded in its entirety...the first piece to be unveiled is

Currently available for a cool $1 AUD Download from our bandcamp page:

This piece is some of our darkest, most mesmerizing work to date, born of moonshine drinking sessions in stilt houses during the latter half of 2012...all pieces on THE SONGS OF BARON SAMEDI are born of endless improvisations skillfully cut into non-songs between life and death by the master hands and ears of Ryan Potter...a true vessel of the voduns saints if ever there was one! Who is Baron Samedi?...he is an entity often appearing in popular culture as you may all know but he is serious some quarters anyway...the Baron of Saturday...funeral day...gateway to the afterlife. Adorning black and red in memory of the ancestors. Black and red the colour of revolution. The Baron is a perfect symbol of the dark, radical and beautiful pieces we will release one by one as Master Potter unravels the jams and molds them into songs. Radical works for a time in need of radicalisation and a movement away from the sick and decaying old ways...NEW MUSIC that departs from the root to build its own tradition. This is music inspired by the underground in many of its manifest forms, THE DICTATOR wearing a love of Doom and Black Metal on its torn sleeve. 



We Scrapes have taken advantage of an excellent new programme...LabelState...using ethically and environmentally-soundly sourced textiles this organisation run an online service where you make an order, they make you a 100% cotton Scrapes T-Shirt and send it straight to your door. So now we have SCRAPES T-SHIRTS...
Available is The Scrapes Planet logo design. The unique logo designed by Pam Rosel and seen all over our propaganda. A white Tee for Women and Men in all sizes. Price is $25 AU + postage but if you get one before 12am Friday this week and enter the code LABELBODIED you'll get one postage free! 

Here's what the shirt looks like:

Inline image 1 

Join the Radical Departure and put one of these fuckers over your head. You can buy them HERE HERE HERE 

Enough Shameless Textile Plugging...

There's more news to announce.....small small news...more will be revealed soon.

There will be a new ADAM CADELL release in the coming yet untitled it will be released on the excellent WOOD & WIRElabel. I can tell you now it is 4 tracks inspired by red-earth roads and busted sound systems...monumental, urgent, meditative, angry, gentle, more electronic than any of my previous is evocative of West African sounds filtered through a fucked up lens of Minor Threat and Anton Webern with a dash of Tony Conrad dronathon for good measure. If you just can't wait to get a dose at least pop on over to here:

and get a sample of my previous work. 

ALSO! There have been some collaborations afoot with some comrades in Krautrock crime....hesitant to announce it just yet. Keep your eyes and ears well and truly peeled!!! Something tells me all will be revealed in September...that's the word on the vine...


It cannot be emphasised enough! If you don't have it already go over to and download MARIED...a classic of dirty bastard country rock by Ryan Potter and his gang of un-merry men. The Maryettas is goodooo! In Maryettas related news keep an eye out for Scrapes members contributions to an upcoming despondent monster from Maryetta (and Nikko member) Jackson Briggs' LOSS LEADER project...fucking cheerful stuff there....

IF you run a label or know someone who does please get in touch via email preferably. We would love to release THE SONGS OF BARON SAMEDI in its completed form on some obsolete format like vinyl and while we could do it ourselves a little help would go a long way. Also we think our digital only PRISON HALL epic would probably look nice on a 7" or single-sided 12" don't you think??? If you are a label or distributor and want to get in touch to release this or any other Planet of the Scrapes release (I would like to release my BARBARIAN MEDITATIONS album on cassette if anyone's keen) then please drop a line to or PASS this email on and on to interested parties. Help us get our Radical New Music out there if you can...

Furthermore if you are PRESS and want to do an article, interview or whatever tickles your fancy (as long as it doesn't involve stupid questions about makeouts or breakups or what our favourite food is) then please get in touch. The same rules apply. If you need an Aussie number just shoot us an email and Ryan will be happy to field the call I'm sure. 

OK that is all for now.


Monday, May 20, 2013

New Scrapes T-Shirt out now!!!

Now available from LabelState for the first time ever...a Scrapes T-shirt. White tees for women and men with Scrapes Planet logo designed by Pam Rosel who also did the artwork layout and design for the Kali Yuga Sunrise release.

You can buy the shirt for $25AUD HERE

In further news I, Adam Cadell, have just finished a new album of epic radical violin which will be released on Sydney-based - and New Weird Australia affiliated - net label Wood & Wire soon...if you just can't wait to hear what the fuck it could be all about you can hear previous beasts HERE

AND to top it all off The Scrapes have almost finished the preparations for releasing, digitally, track by track, our new album of non-songs between life and death, The Songs of Baron Samedi beginning with opening bastard "The Dictator". It will be released HERE
More on this soon.....while you're at it why not pick up a digital copy of Kali Yuga Sunrise if you haven't already...

Adam your trusty Barbarian Meditator

ps. here's a little clue to a collaboration that went down recently:

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Zagreb New Kraut Occult

Some amazing sounds from Croatia...been listening to Seven That Spells for years...Jastreb is a Seven That Spells solo project....prepare to hear more about these guys in the future...



Sofala Film Soundtracking

Hello there planetary scrapers,

Long time between what. Suck it up.

After doing a soundtrack for this a little while back the guys at Lococrabz productions have now put up their film "Sofala" for all to view on Vimeo and Youtube. Here it is....all musical sounds by The Scrapes....inspired by Irish rebel it is....

More info on this fucker HERE

Friday, February 8, 2013

La Monte Young - Well Tuned Piano

Some legendary motherfucker has put the entire 6 hour or so performance of La Monte Young's Well Tuned Piano, as performed live by the man himself, on YouTube! Absolutely incredible and without a doubt a colossal influence on we Scrapes, both directly and indirectly.

And while we're still in NYC another influential figure to some degree, David Byrne, and a piece that could accompany my life working here with the National Symphony Orchestra of Ghana: Highlife for Nine Instruments as performed by the brilliant Balenescu String Quartet....get in there....

Off to celebrate Thursday,
Ye Babarian Meditator

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Bola juju magick

This one ain't my discovery, it's a recent release on the amazing record label arm of the amazing AWESOME TAPES FROM AFRICA Haven't seen this sort of stuff in Accra yet but I'm sure it's lurkin about. Don't know much about Mr Bola here but this video is off the hook...I think they must put acid in the ice water around here....Oh and Ghanaians love movies full of witches and wizards and shit hence the crazy (read: awesome) intro....

Bola- Yine Ntaripaga from Awesome Tapes From Africa on Vimeo.

The Mosquito it Bites...Oh it bites....

Hello all again,

The Barbarian Meditator here with a video, by Ghanaian singer/songwriter Isaac Wallace, of particular interest....see if you can spot a particular Scrape in there....Malaria is a massive problem here in West Africa and there are quite a few songs dedicated to this problem and how it can be solved/avoided. If this topic sounds like something you would like to be involved in do a Google search and I'm sure there's any number of reputable organisations dealing with this very problem that one could involve oneself in...don't be shy...

Highlife be good for dey soul eyeoh!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Open Transmission from Planet Accra,

Greetings to all and welcome to this gateway year 2013. All sorts of strange voodoo is on its way from the Scrapes Planet this year. We promise to stay an active online presence while both of us explore uncharted territory in Africa and Asia...

In between highlifes and tall bottles of Club beer the good Doctor Barbarian Meditator, I, Adam Cadell, have been exploring red dust plains, dark jungles and cutlass littered beaches in search of nothing in particular. Am reaching back to the deepest roots of my instrument and learning the that shit...Ryan Potter has been working away mixing back home in Brisbane and we now have many new tracks to show you all in ze future....

One such track "The Dictator" shall be unveiled soon at The Scrapes Bandcamp:
"The Dictator" is one of our darkest beasts yet and will be part of our latest long-player "Songs of...." - Songs of What you ask? All will be unveiled in due course. Voduns drones between life and death...
Keep an eye and both ears on The Scrapes Bandcamp and you shall bare witness to the unveiling of this monstrosity...

In Further News our latest release is the Bandcamp online release of Kali Yuga Sunrise also found at The Scrapes Bandcamp Store and available for a low price so everyone can enjoy can even just stream that motherfucker for free. Physical copies of Kali Yuga still exist in vinyl and maybe a couple left in CD format so get in touch for your copy or go and enqire at your local independent record sure as fuck won't find it in JB Hifi...

I, Adam, shall be releasing more solo outings at my online store in the near future and there's still plenty of albums available there for download at very reasonable cost. ADAM CADELL STORE! There are many strange sounds to explore down there so please visit and support your local Radical Violinist.

Also a reminder that we have a Planet of the Scrapes Store running these days where you can find all your Scrapes related needs. All Is Number Records are also still distributing our thing so get over to their site too: ALL IS NUMBER

That is all...Tansmission ended...Going and Coming...Listen to The Maryettas or disappear you hear...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Kali Yuga Sunrisen again....

Kali Yuga Sunrise, our number 2, 2011 full-length release, has now been made available on Bandcamp at The Scrapes bandcamp:


You can stream it for nothing and download it for a small donation. Get in there.

In further news, despite our geographic distance, Wee SCrapes continue to stay active. Ryan is doing his thing with Nikko and The Maryettas, and I, Dr Adam, continue to ply my twisted trade in Accra, while trying to learn the ancient Gonje fiddle...West Africa is taking me into uncharted musical realms...keep an eye on ADAM CADELL BANDCAMP and THE PLANETOFTHESCRAPES BANDCAMP STORE for future strange solo violin transmissions.

As thee Scrapes, Ryan and I recorded a shit load of works before I left the country and there is enough there for a new album, release date yet to be arranged but the tracks will most likely appear bit by bit at THE SCRAPES BANDCAMP as Ryan works his mixing Magick upon them. One track, tentatively titled "The Dictator" is ready to go and god motherfucking damn it is deep deep dark exploring...

That's enough from me. Greetings from Accra. Keep your ears to the ground and your eyes rolled back in your heads,

Adam the Barbarian Meditator