Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wadali Brothers...

Was cruising home from the Black Bear Lodge gig in a cab driven by a guy from the Punjab....he graciously allowed me to pick his brain on music from his homeland - and in particular Sufi music - and he gave me some links written on a piece of receipt paper which I recently recovered from my coat...the Wadali Bros is at the top of the list....fucking amazing! Thank you Punjabi brother! Shall be more installments of this soon....

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Reson - Andrew McLellan and Adam Cadell

Soundcloud post I just stumbled upon....don't remember Andrew ever telling me this was up and available for hearing but it's a great composition. Originally recorded for 5.1 as a thing for the Queensland Conservatorium of Music it involves very sensitively miced cymbal and violin by your's truly. Those of you who bother reading this blog might know Andrew from Cured Pink who have played with we Scrapes a few times around town.

Here it be:

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Upcoming Scrapings....

Hello all and sundry, We Scrapes shall be scraping out the ear canals of our unlucky audience on these upcoming dates: More to be announced soon...a lot more! 16 September The Bridge Club, Brisbane Irish Club The Scrapes Nova Scotia Aheadphonehome Nite Fields 7pm $10 Do it 24 September Black Bear Lodge, where the Troub used to be, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane Two sets of mind blowing dronetastic madness 7pm and 8pm FREE don't miss it... 30 November Potluck an FBI Social, Sydney TBC Victorian Tour Dates TBA for December. Also for 16 September show there will be a compilation available of all bands involved including two exclusive new Scrapes tracks from our upcoming album whose name we dare not speak! AND another compilation "Around" coming out 1st October from Dreamland Recordings available on bandcamp and will be findable here: It features recordings by us and various other artists from around the world including Keith Levene of PIL fame goddamnit! Looking forward to that badboy. That's all so fuck off for now and we'll be in touch again soon. Theee Sccccrrrrraaappppess