Monday, September 21, 2009

the Badgeman!

Awesome English group from the late 80s and early 90s! They're giving away their old albums for download on their blog and I highly recommend that you all check them out!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Next gig coming up!

The Scrapes
in support of...
Gladstone and Lochaber for their single launch at ze Globe...
in the Valley...somewhere
8th of October

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Upcoming live dates for das Scrapes!

The Scrapes will be performing once again in West End but this time at the Joynt which is a great bar on Montague rd opposite the Paul's factory. This will happen on the 19th of September and we shall be joined by the Chutes and Chris Carter. The event has been organised by some new comers to Brisbane - Humble Pine Promotions. Kicks off around 8:30 I believe.

Also we'll be playing at the Globe on the 8th of October with some friends of ours. More on that when such things come to light!


photo of Ryan by Dave Collins